Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lab: Isolate pyrethecium from Neurospora crosses, Mushroom Identification and Flourescence Microscropy

Isolate pyrethecium from Neurospora crosses, Mushroom Identification and Flourescence Microscropy


A. Isolate pyrethecium from Neurospora crosses

Materials and Methods

Crosses on Neurospora species from the previous lab were provided for isolation/picking of pyrethecium.
Mature pyrethecium was identified by virtue of its darker coloration relatively to immature pyrethecium.
Originally, the intention was to isolate mature and dark in color pyretthecium the gently squash it so that it realeases Ascospores.
Due to the fact that most pyrethecium was not read and mature, ascospore picking was then postponed for an additional week.
After a week, ascoscpores were isolated from petri dish lids.
The isolated ascospores were then placed on a agar block from which they were individually picked and put a media slunt.

Immature pyrethecium squash resulted on no ascospores observed. Squashing mature pyrethecium resulted in the relaease of ascospores. At first picking of ascospores was very difficult to achieve however with more practice it became easier to isolate ascorespores

                               Neurospora flourescent nuclei of ascospores ( Picture by Charity)


It was  clear that Neorospora pyrethecium with a bic were mature enough to contain ascospores where as the light colored pyrethecium containe  not fully developed ascospores. Neurospora spp crosses resulted from asacopsopres presumably from the respective crosses. Over time the ascopsores could be collcted from peti dish lids mainly because the pyrethecium released them by forcibly ejecting them and hence some collcted on the lid.

Crosses of Neurospora spp resulted in ascospores and picking of Neurospora ascospore is a delicate exercise that requires patience and accuracy isolatina and eventual transfer of ascopsores.

B Mushroonm samples
Identify Basidia with spores
Finding Bullers Drop
Finding clamp conections in fungal hyphae

Material and Methods
Mushroom specimens were provided for examination using a microscope.
Some small slices of mushroom were mounted on slied fro microscopic examination.

                                                             Ganoderma lucidum
                                                     Laetiporus sulphureus

                                                  Daedaleopsis confragosa

                                                 Ganoderma tsugae
                                                 Nidula species
                                                       Nidula species



                                                  Uknown species

C. Flourescence Microscropy
Dr Shaw led us through the various flourescence microscope equipment in his camera lab. To demonstrate the concept we observed hyphal growth of Neurospora and the flourescenct nuclei within cell.

Materials and Methods
An agar block was cut from actively growing Neurospora growing on media. Using flourescent microscopy hyphal tip growth was observed.


A video of Neurospora hyphal tip growth
A video of nuclei movement through septa

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